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Mahale Mountains National Park

About 128 km south of Kigoma Town, and forms a peninsula that juts out into Lake Tanganyika. The mammalian fauna of Mahale can be loosely classified into three types on the basis of their habitat preferences. The existence of all three types in a single area is unusual and is one of Mahale’s defining characteristics, resulting from the complex mosaic of eco-zones found in the park. Tropical rain forest animals, which include chimpanzees, giant forest squirrel red-legged sun squirrel , brush-tailed porcupine , Angolan black-and-white colobus monkeys , bushy-tailed mongoose , banded mongoose , blue duiker  and Sharpe’s grysbok . Other animals found in Mahale include lions, Grant’s zebras, warthogs, and giraffes; sable antelopes, and Lichtenstein hartebeest.